Dienstag, 7. September 2010

Summary of Page 1-20 (White Tiger)

The Book "The White Tiger" from Aravind Adiga is about a men who writes a letter to the premier of China,Wen Jiabao.The name of the man is Balram Halwai.He lives in Bangalore,India. In his letter he wants to ask the premier,if it´s true that he wants to come to india and talk to indian entrepreneurs,like Balram hear it on the All India Radio before. He also hears that the premier wants to know the truth about Bangalore and Balram knows,that he can tell him the real truth about Bangalore.He shows the premier the truth while talking about his life. For example what happens when he visit Bangalore for the first time. "See when you come to Bangalore,and stop at atraffic light,some boy will run up to your car and knock on your window,while holding up a bootlegged copy of an American business book,wrapped carefully in cellophane."

 Balram begins to tell him a story about a day in his life,when he was driving in a car with his ex-employer Mr. Ashok and his wife Pinky Madam. Mr. Ashok tells Balram to drive on the side of the street and then he was starting to ask him some questions.After he gives his best to answer the questions,Mr. Ashok was wondering what Balram said.He tells his wife that Balram is just half-baked and haven´t finish the schooling.

Than Balram tells the Premier how he got his name.At the first day of school,the teacher changes his name from "Munna" into "Balram".After that he give him a information about india and his dark an light sides.The Darkness comes from the River Ganges.He had a bad experience when Balram carry his dead mother to the ganges and his granny made the zeremony of death.His mother was wrapped  from head to toe  in a saffron silk cloth.Then he saw his mother burning on an wooden platform and then he fainted.

After that he tells something about an indian village laxmangarh.He talk about this place where he lived.He mentions a water buffalo,which was important for his family in this time.He shows the premier the every day life with his family together. His experience of his life has many details when he tells it.He often misses this places where he live when he was a child.
 He mentioned his father when he saw it on the police poster.

What I like/dislike on this pages?
I like it much in which details balram told the premier about his life in  bangalore and what happened in this time.I also like the creative writing of  Aravind Adiga for example,when he tells us about his chandelier and compare it with a disco in bangalore,when it splits the light.On the other hand what I dislike is,that i think he lies by talking to the premier,for example when he told him how he got his name and the parents havent the time to chose one.When he wants tell the truth about bangalore and his life,than he should do it.

I have an internet link about Laxmangarh,where Balram came from:
Laxmangarh History                                            

I felt very bad when i read,what balram told us about the first time in bangalore:

          Bangalore ist a very poor town in india,many kids are working every day for less money to feed their  families.I´m very sad about this situation in india
Childwork in India

See you,

2 Kommentare:

  1. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.

  2. The frequent lacking of the 3rd person singular 's' is a major problem. You MUST work on that, as well as on your use of tenses. The same applies to the use of capital letters where necessary, e.g. with country names and adjectives like India, Indian and names like Balram of course.
